Selected Publications

This paper is dedicated to two constructions in Ossetic where a seemingly coordinating construction is used to introduce semantically subordinate (complement and causal) clauses. I argue that the properties of these constructions are mixed between coordination and subordination, and their behaviour can be accouted for if one assumes a parallel architecture like that of LFG, with a clear separation between constituent structure, functional structure, and semantics.
Journal of Linguistics 51 (2), 2015

This paper presents an analysis of suspended affixation and other related phenomena in Ossetic in terms of group case marking. This is achieved by splitting the case category into “external” (nine-valued) and “internal” (two-valued) subcategories. The former is an NP-level feature, while the former is word-level. I argue that only the latter corresponds to case from a typological point of view. The analysis is formalized in LFG with Lexical Sharing.
Voprosy jazykoznanija 6, 2014

In this paper, I analyze the the case system of contemporary Ossetic from the point of view of its historical evolution. I provide a critical review of the origins of individual case markers and propose a relative chronology of the loss of the old cases and development of new ones. I further investigate issues related to areal connections of the Ossetic case system.
Iran and the Caucasus 14 (2), 2010

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. Aorist, resultative and perfect in Shiri Dargwa and beyond. Diana Forker, Timur Maisak (eds.). The semantics of verbal categories in Nakh-Daghestanian languages. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

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. In defense of COMP: Complementation in Moksha Mordvin. Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King (eds.). Proceedings of the LFG17 Conference. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2017.

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. Information structure conditions on the agreement controller in Dargwa. Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King (eds.). Proceedings of the LFG17 Conference. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2017.

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. A multilevel theory of clause combining: Ossetic and Russian revisited [In Russian]. Anton Zimmerling, Ekaterina Lyutikova (eds). Clause architecture in parametric models. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2016.

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. Person agreement in Dargwa: An OT-LFG analysis [In Russian]. Anton Zimmerling, Ekaterina Lyutikova (eds). Clause architecture in parametric models. Moscow: LRC Publishing House, 2016.

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. Ergative gender agreement in Dargwa ``backward control'' or feature sharing?. Doug Arnold, Miriam Butt, Berthold Chrysmann, Tracy Holloway King, Stefan Müller (eds.). Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2016.

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. Word order and focus particles in Nakh-Daghestanian languages. M. M. Jocelyne Fernandez-Vest, Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. (eds.). Information structuring of spoken language from a cross-linguistic perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2016.

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. Clitic positioning in Ossetic. Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King (eds.). Proceedings of the LFG15 Conference. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2015.

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